
Make A Tax Deductible Contribution to the Western Reserve Theatre Organ Society

When donating to WRTOS using PayPal:

Please provide your address in the “shipping address” field so that we can send you a receipt and your copy of “MAGNIFICO!” (as applicable – see below).

Open For Check Donation Instructions

If you don’t want to use the PayPal feature, please make your check or money order payable to W.R.T.O.S. Inc., download the donation form from the following link:


and then mail to:


3092 West 155th St.

Cleveland, OH 44111

If you donate $100 or more, you will receive a complimentary copy of our new CD “MAGNIFICO”.  This landmark CD was recorded on the Vince Aveni 4/60 Wurlitzer.  Nine artists contributed their talents to present over 78 minutes of thrilling theatre organ music.  Artists include Chris Elliott, Simon Gledhill, Lyn Larsen, Rich Lewis, Fr. Jim Miller, Ron Rhode, Rob Richards, Scott Smith, and Lew Williams. 

Magnifico! CD Cover
Magnifico! CD Cover

You can help us to continue these efforts and achieve our goal to keep this true American art form alive. WRTOS is a registered 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization (EIN Number 23-7090637) and thus your donations qualify for taxation purposes. Support us by making a tax deductible donation today.  We are now able to accept donations charged to your credit card using the PayPal system.  If you use this feature, please provide your address in the “shipping address” field so that we can send you a receipt.

The Western Reserve Theatre Organ Society (WRTOS) restores and maintains theatre pipe organs within its territory via volunteer labor and replacement of deteriorated materials and parts. Since most of the instruments are 70 to 100 years old, you can well understand the need for constant maintenance.  The Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ in the Cleveland Grays Armory Museum is increasingly in need of maintenance, which must lead to a major overhaul.  That project will require many tens of thousands of dollars.

All routine society activities, including concerts, are run on an at-cost basis to make them available to the largest possible audience. Thus, we must depend upon charitable donations to fund the maintenance and restoration projects.

We respect your privacy. WRTOS does not, under any circumstances, release or provide names or eMail addresses to any non-theatre organ related organizations. On rare occasions, we do exchange our mailing list with ATOS chapters that promote events or activities related to the theatre organ within easy commute of our locale.

Thank you in advance for your support in preserving these national treasures for generations to come.